Board bring up and Diagnostics

Board bring-up is the process of validating, both electrically and functionally, a new circuit board design. At this point, with confidence that all pre-existing design flaws and manufacturing process errors have been addressed and repaired, the hardware can transition to software engineering.

Bring-up integrates low-level diagnostics with manual analysis and visual verification. These techniques are employed in a specified order and manner, thereby defining a procedure to incrementally regress the circuit under test. By executing the procedure across multiple board sets everything from BOM and manufacturing problems, to marginal timing and design issues, are identified.

A comprehensive bring-up procedure migrates seamlessly to an automated manufacturing test environment under minimal supervision. A bring-up plan also mitigates the isolation of software related product faults.

TEN Core Networks incorporates a comprehensive, total-coverage bring-up plan into all of its designs and is available to assist clients interested in independent board bring-up verification.